FoxRockX is published bimonthly by ISYS GmbH
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Editor: Rainer Becker
© 2008 - 2013 ISYS GmbH. This work is an independently produced publication of ISYS GmbH, Kronberg, the content of which is the property of ISYS GmbH or its affiliates or third-party licensors and which is protected by copyright law in the U.S. and elsewhere. The right to copy and publish the content is reserved, even for content made available for free such as sample articles, tips, and graphics, none of which may be copied in whole or in part or further distributed in any form or medium without the express written permission of ISYS GmbH. Requests for permission to copy or republish any content may be directed to Rainer Becker.
FoxRockX, FoxTalk 2.0 and Visual Extend are trademarks of ISYS GmbH. All product names or services identified throughout this journal are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.